Broadcastability is a podcast by, for, and about persons with disabilities in the workforce. / Broadcastability est un podcast par, pour, et à propos des personnes handicapées au travail.
Broadcastability is created by The PROUD Project at the University of Toronto, Scarborough. / Broadcastability est réalisé par Le Projet PROUD à l'Université de Toronto, Scarborough.
To support Broadcastability, please donate at: DONATE@PROUDPROJECT.CA. Pour soutenir Broadcastability, veuillez faire un don à : DONATE@PROUDPROJECT.CA
For more information, go to: https://www.theproudproject.ca/ Pour plus d'informations, consultez : https://fr.theproudproject.ca/
Season 2 (2023-ongoing): ""The Experiences of Disabled Employees and Entrepreneurs in France, Belgium, the UK, and the USA."
Season 1 (2021-2022) "The Experiences of Successful, Disabled, Canadian Employees and Entrepreneurs."
Une conversation avec Fabrice Chanut: Le handicap à l’écran

A Conversation with Brian Petraits: Skill-building and Career Flexibility

Une conversation avec Brandon Marlière : Le rôle inclusif des entreprises adaptées

A Conversation with Bryn Anderson: (In)visibility and the Winding Path to Inclusion

Une Conversation avec Laurent Colart: Enseigner l’inclusion pour construire un monde accessible

A Conversation with Matilda Feyisayo Ibini Part 2: The Power of Stories

A Conversation with Matilda Feyisayo Ibini Part 1: Writing as a Career

Une conversation avec Vincent Léone: Les technologies de l’inclusion

Special Episode: Disability Pride Month 2022 - The PROUD Project Team Reflects

A Conversation with Kasey Aiello: Mentorship & Peer Support

Meet Our Community Partner Easter Seals Canada and Their Approaches to Disability and Employment

A Conversation with the PROUD Project Team: Research Behind the Scenes

Une Conversation avec Elisanne Pellerin: Accessibilité et alliés

A Conversation with Marc Workman: Disability & Adaptability
A Conversation with Alexis Chicoine: Humour & Inclusion